
Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Baru-baru ni, kitorang hang out and borak-borak, sambil baring-baring on his bed, catch up sket apa dah jadi dengan life masing-masing etc.

Then, came to one point, he said, "Ayem dah breakup dengan S beberapa hari lepas."

Memang I agak terkejut, because they have been together for quite some time now, tapi, hehh, cinta monyet la namanya kan. Mesti breakup last-last. Haha. (Okay sorry, aku tak bermaksud nak gelak. hahahhaha.) So i responded by saying those typical words i normally use in conversations with all myfriends upon hearing those sentences ' aku dah breakup' like :

"Alaa kesian kau.."
"Korang sweet oh dulu.. Haih. Apasal la breakup plak.."
"Don't worry, ada la hikmahnye nanti tu.."

Yepp, those cliched sentences. Hehe.

After asking him the basic questions; why and how, i moved on to another topic. Okay it's not that i don't care about him, but i just simply don't want to know any more detailed details. I don't like knowing about other people's private life too much.

A few minutes later, i ran out of things to talk about. Silence.

Then he said, "Err.."

I looked at him. What?

He took out a piece of paper, unfolded it and said, "Okay. I really wasn't supposed to tell you this, but here goes. You see this letter? Go ahead and read it."

The moment i came across the writings, i refused to read it. It was Her handwriting. Like i said, I don't like knowing about other people's private life too much. But he insisted. So i did.

"Oi. Baca la kuat-kuat. Read it out loud," he commanded.

"Ooh. Hm, okay," so i replied.

(I vaguely remember what was written in the letter exactly, but it sort of sounded like this)

. . ..6th March 2015. Remember this date, dear? It is the date that we planned to get married. It's a Friday. It is 2154 days from today.. . .

I began teasing their jiwang-ness, and i laughed at him. "Apa plan nak kahwin nii?" And so i laughed more and more, kecik-kecik dah pandai plan nak kahwin. Then i continued reading,

. . ..Whatever you do, please don't lose contact with me. You can text me whenever you feel like it, but don't expect things will be the same. Perhaps you could come by my house once in a while, like how you always do and we could have Baskin Robbins ice creams with your sister or sisters like how we always do and just hang out, like how we used to. If we bumped into each other, please give me at least a glimpse of your smile.. . .

At the end of that sentence, my voice just sort of stuck in my throat. I can't continue reading. As surprising as it may sound, I was crying!

"Kakngah..! Kakngah nangis ke?? Jangan la nangis...," he tried to soothe me. "Kakngah tak boleh laa.. Sedih...," My tears began to flow heavier. "Ok ok, kejap.. huhh. Kakngah sambung baca," I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the sadness.

. . ..Maybe we could get back together in December 2014 and maybe then we could finally be serious. In the mean time, please, please, don't find my replacement. . ..

Aahh.. I can't carry on reading the letter. The sissy part of me was too dominant that moment, so i just couldn't finish reading it. "Jangan la nangis, Kakngah.. Nanti Ayem nangis skali," he said.

I looked at him in my teary vision. He was crying too!

Despite being the strong man he is, he actually cried too.

Conclusion: Lelaki nangis jugak bile breakup (I didn't know this!). And perempuan, walaupun orang lainyang brokeup pun boleh dia nangis. Hehh. Apalagi kalau diri sendiri ek.

la la la la

balik pasir gudang petang karang. terus aku rushing gila babi sambil masih teringat hfz. tak seronok ok. memang betul pown, bila nak register ada saja yang penuh. aku fikir ni yang ramai-ramai ni mesti budak 3rd year. maybe kalau terdesak sangat aku apply manually, sebab subjek yang aku nak amek tu core subject budak actuary, kitorang yang patut dapat priority. kan? heheh.

aku tengah ym dengan lea. banyak lagi yang tak settle. result pulak tak keluar lagi, kali ni paling penting sebab result sem ni tentukan aku dapat sambung scholarship PNB atau tak. abang tak sabar nak tunggu, dia kata kalau pass, dia suruh open table. masalahnya kalau tak pass?

ini yang keempat. aku copy dan paste di sini, untuk aku fikir selalu.

skg ni ko tk boli treat lelaki close sgt..
mksud aku, tk boli treat lelaki lebi drp lelaki treat ko
org sng mbi kesempatan ngn ko
ko lucky la dpt hafiz..
dia tu jujur..
dia tk sure ngan ko..dia try elak or kurang kan beri harapan ngn ko
kata ler dia bgik ko main2 dia
dia pura2 suka ker sgt2..
ko kan dah suka dia ..
apa pun dia boli buat hugie..
but...hafiz mmg brave..
dia sdr diri dia tk sure ngn ko
igt k..lelaki ni pndai mbi ksmpatan..
ppuan ni pula suka kena syg2..
so kalu dpt lelaki buaya..
mmg ko susah hugie..
sori tgur ko..

owh, dia orang sabah, dan nickname aku huggiewuggie.

salah ke kalau aku memang macam ni? kalau sayang, sayang betul.

aku nak mengamuk dengan mama kejap lagi sebab buku fakulti aku hilang. pressure rasa macam nak terperiod.

dan sebab aku pressure, aku rasa nak off hp untuk 12jam. there's no one needs me anyway.

bla bla bla

ploma convocation wil b held in tis 20dec... but I not going... coz I wil b working on tat day somemore the cost of participation for d convo is too expensive edi... n no ppl wil accompany me going if I wanted to go oso since my bf is at uk n...

hie and for those who seeking a job.. Grab Digital Solution Sdn Bhd. Looking for the person ... 1. Who interested in 3D designer (full time or part time position) 2. Who interetsed in 3D modeller + animation (full time positi...

aving Vic not being able to pick me up to the event, I called Charlie. He is really kind to give me a ride. The stage Shanny Ching Yee ...

My diploma convocation wil b held in tis 20dec... but I not going... coz I wil b working on tat day somemore the cost of participation for d convo is too expensive edi... n no ppl wil accompany me going if I wanted to go oso since my bf is at uk now... but anyways I wil b going for my bf convo in year2010... I hope tat time we til r couple... hehe...

I felt relief edi since my diploma course which taken 3years to complete due to the stupid management n exam thing finally the "nightmare" ends... but after tis diploma... I wil b continue my study in somewhr... actually I like the time being student... coz working is not smthg fun... working smthg is so bored coz u wil repeat the same thing again n again n hav to face lots of tensions...

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